Pray for me!!:)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Kyra's First Medal
Where does the day go????
Up at 5:30...pumped a bottle of milk for my Bible...ran 6 miles...made Scott's lunch...made breakfast for the kids and I...cleaned up breakfast...helped Kyra finish her little sewing project...impromptu art project with Myles and Hayley(since I wouldn't let them use a needle like Kyra:))...cleaned up art everyone dressed and teeth and hair brushed...took a shower...cleaned up the rug where Hayley had an accident...sat in the bathroom with Hayley(no luck at actually going in the toilet:()...played a short game of hide and seek with the kids...had school with Kyra(Myles and Hayley practiced letters)...made a snack for the kids to eat outside...chased a bee that got into the house...cleaned up Hayley again with potty dripping down her legs...took all the kids to Hayley's swimming lesson...back home, put Hayley down for a a story to Myles and put him down for a nap...plunged the toilet that overflowed while I was busy...cleaned the bathroom...traded off reading to Kyra and her reading to me...switched some laundry...made peanutbutter cookies with Kyra...woke up Hayley and Myles...took everyone to Kyra's gymnastics class...went home to cook dinner while Sophy is in the sling and unloading and loading the dishwasher while things are cooking...fed everyone dinner...cleaned up dinner...Scott home late from a track to care group...home at 10:30...nursing Sophy while writing this...also disciplined, changed a gazilion diapers, nursed and snuggled Sophy 7-8 times during the day, took pictures of Sophy, talked on the phone with a good friend...
Whew...and I wonder why I fall asleep on the couch feeding Sophy every night!!:)
Whew...and I wonder why I fall asleep on the couch feeding Sophy every night!!:)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Our Sweet New Ride:)
This post is overdue since we got this van a month ago...but it's still exciting that we can all go places in the SAME car now! YAY!
Scott did a great job finding this for us! A funny little story: On Valentine's Day Scott's middle school students asked him what he was getting his wife for Valentine's Day. He told them, "a poem and a new car!" They were totally impressed...little did they know that he meant a used mini-van.:) I think he's a stud:).
Smily Girl!
Sophy is 8 weeks old today! I can't believe she's been around for almost 2 months! She is a little angel baby! She eats like a champ and is getting chubby little thighs:), sleeps through any noise, is starting to "talk" and gurgle, and smiles lots! We all adore her, especially Myles, who just can't seem to get enough of her! Here's some pics of her smily self:).
Camera Fun
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