Last month Kyra participated in her first spelling bee! I was so proud of her because this was something she decided to do all on her own! We practiced hard on the lists of 1st-6th grade words. When the day of the spelling bee came, she drew the #2 spot and sat in the first row. When her turn came, she walked up on stage in front of about 100 people and spelled her word into the microphone. I was sooo proud of her, because she never would have atempted this a couple years ago. She didn't win, but she made it 4 rounds- from 35 to 8 kids. The best part is that she had fun, got her face painted afterward, received a $10 certificate to Bookmans, and had delicious snacks. :o) The first thing she said to me in the car was, "When are they having the "honey bee" next year??"
These pictures are from December, but wanted to post them in honor of the fun we had with Reese and the excitement we have waiting the arrival of our first BOY cousin!!! This little guy will be showing up in the beginning of June and we are soooo excited!(especially Myles:))
These girls are serious about their ice cream!
I think Autie Robin got attacked...not quite sure:)