Monday, May 24, 2010

A Day in the Life of Sophy~3 months old

~Wake up between 6:30 and 7:30(after sleeping 11-12 hours!!)

~Have a little milk:) and smile at everyone, let Myles smother me with kisses, play in my bouncy seat

~Snooze for 1-1.5 hours

~Eat about 4 more times, smile lots, scream while I'm practicing tummy time, hang out in the sling with Mommy at the store, park, zoo, children's museum or where ever else we go:), and take several naps

~Bath, jammies, milk and bed about 7:30

What can I say? It's a tough life!!
(These pictures were taken by a good friend of ours-aren't they cute!)

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