Sophy~ almost 2
Hayley~ 4
Life would sure be boring without Hayley! She is the funniest, smartest, silliest girl(or "gill" as she would say in her little accent). She is sometimes difficult to discipline because she's just so darn funny that I have a hard time keeping a straight face. She loves her gymnastics class and can't wait to play soccer next fall. She was begging me to teach her to read, so I thought I would humor her...low and behold she is actually reading!! She still has lots to learn but she soaks stuff up so quickly that it won't take her long! For example a couple weeks ago I was praticing counting by 5's with Myles and the next morning she walked out of her bedroom and said, "Mommy, I can count by 5's." And then she did...all 100! She's also really good at memorizing verses. She is the most outgoing of the kids so far(we're not sure about Sophy yet:)) and she loves to talk! She always has a twinkle in her eye that makes you wonder what she's up to. She is a daddy's girl and he loves it! She mostly plays with stuffed animals and it's hilarious to listen in on her pretending! She plays well with Kyra and Myles and lately has really taken on the big sister role and included Sophy in her play. It's so fun to watch! She's dramatic and everything is "super"...super fun, super yummy, super bad, super tired, super hungry. We love you Hayley G.!
Myles~ almost 6
Myles is a one of a kind boy. I can truely say he's my favorite boy(Daddy is my favorite man:)). He has this wonderful crazy boy side which sends him racing around the house shooting nerf darts in all directions, and at the same time he is gentle and sweet with his little sisters. Myles is my prayer warrior! He'll often stop me when I'm busy or frustrated and say, "Mommy, do you need me to pray for you?" To which I always respond, "YES!!!!" Myles is a super talented athlete. He had a great soccer season scoring lots of goals, but also making lots of assists. He is in a 7-9yr old gymnastics class with Kyra and is one of the best in the class. Our living room is actually just a runway for round-offs, cartwheels, and handstands! Lately he has been loving shooting baskets with Daddy at the park, and of course their nightly sword fights. Much to my dismay he really likes Daddy's Christian spanish rap music and can dance with the best of them. Even though it's winter, Myles prefers shorts, no shirt, and flip flops. He loves cars and trains and Legos. This year in school he has really taken off. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from him, but he has surprised me in all areas! Every week he becomes a better reader, and math seems to click so easily for him. Myles loves to build and create things and is always coming up with new "inventions". I love that one of his most consistent prayers is that Sophy will become a Christian. It is such a blessing to have Myles along with this sea of girls, plus we need someone to take care of things when Daddy's at work!
Kyra~ 7 1/2
Our best helper, my right hand girl, thoughtful towards others and loves her family. Loves to lay in bed and read in the morning long after H and S have left the room. Loves mysteries, loves crafts and cards, loves horses, loves playing with her american girl doll and stuffed animals. Her favorite books are American Girl mysteries, Magic Tree House, and some classic starts-Anne of Green Gables, The Little Princess, Secret Garden. Kyra has really come out of her shell in the past year and been more outgoing with others, at church, out running errands etc. She had a great soccer season and loves her weekly gymnastics class with Myles. She will be in her first spelling bee next month and she is studying hard. School comes very easily for Kyra- she's a great speller, excellent reader, loves science and history, and sometimes likes math:). She delights in making notes, pictures, and scavenger hunts for her siblings...which they all love! When she grows up she wants to be a trail guide for horseback riding at Lake Tahoe:). She recently started doing 1 load of laundry a day to help me out-the fact that Daddy
promised her $2 allowance a week instead of $1 if she helped with laundry might have motivated her a little! I love spending a little time alone with Kyra in the evening because she always has big thoughts, interesting ideas for new crafts or science projects, or funny stories and I love hearing it all! She will always be our special girl- love you Kyra!
Myles~ almost 6
Kyra~ 7 1/2
promised her $2 allowance a week instead of $1 if she helped with laundry might have motivated her a little! I love spending a little time alone with Kyra in the evening because she always has big thoughts, interesting ideas for new crafts or science projects, or funny stories and I love hearing it all! She will always be our special girl- love you Kyra!