Saturday, December 31, 2011

The "bad list" and other funny things...

We don't make a huge deal about Santa around here, but Myles took it upon himself to keep a "bad list" and a "good list" on the back of his bedroom door. One day when mad at Kyra for taking something, he calls out, "I'm gonna put you on the bad list!" I turned and said, "I've been grumpy today. I should be on the bad list." Myles says matter-of-factly, "Oh, don't worry- you already are!"

Hayley after drinking a big mug of hot chocolate says, "Ahh- my belly is so plumped."

Another Hayley- "Please, please, please can I have just a little bit more smudge?!" (aka fudge)

When making gingerbread houses Myles says, "Daddy, Daddy you gotta see my great smoker!" (aka chimney)

Sophy's version of a knock-knock joke(every time)-

Sophy: knock knock

Mommy: who's there?

S: apple

M: apple who?

S: who (followed by hysterical laughing:))

When asked what her name is, Sophy says "Fee Fee!"(which sends all the kids rolling with laughter)

Mommy's stomach growls and Sophy turns and says, "Tigers coming!"

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