Thursday, November 24, 2011

The boxes are on their way!

We packed shoe boxes this year for Operation Christmas Child. As we watched some of the videos they have online of kids around the world receiving boxes, Myles, Kyra, Hayley and I were struck with a desire to pray for these kids and their families. We also were reminded once again of how much we have...WE ARE RICH!! in Christ as well as material things. Each of the kids packed a box for a girl or boy their age and filled it with fun toys, school supplies, and hygiene items. They each took great pleasure in picking out things that they thought "their boy or girl" would like. I was proud of them as we went through Target and Dollar Tree- we picked out lots of toys and not one was for them and there was no complaining!(miracles do happen!!) We have been praying for the girls and boy who will receive our boxes and that best of all, they will hear about Jesus. We can't wait to see where the boxes end up!!

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