Saturday, November 3, 2012

A Week with Baby Caedmon

We got to have our little cousin Caedmon for a week while his mommy and daddy went on an anniversary trip!  He turned 5 months old while he was with us.  We had sooo much fun loving on this little guy!  He went with us to soccer, gymnastics, trick-or-treating, visiting GG, the grocery store, the zoo, and the park.  We loved getting to know his little personality, tickling him, making him laugh, giving him bottles, and surrounding him with toys!  Kyra and Hayley loved feeding him, Sophy loved kissing his belly and making him laugh, and Myles snuggled him and played lots of peek-a-boo.  Here are some quotes from the week:
Myles-"I love that Caedmon doesn't have little baby eyes...he has big happy eyes!"
Myles' prayer at breakfast- "Thank you Jesus that we get to keep Caedmon for a week and thank you for his cuteness."
Sophy- "Caedmon is soooo adorable!" (in her 2 yr old voice)
"We have to give him back?!?!?!?"

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