Sunday, June 22, 2014

Saying Goodbye

There's an empty crib at our house, as we said goodbye to our first foster child yesterday.  He was with us for 3 months, and although we knew he would not be a permanent member of our family, the house seems different and quiet without him here.  More than anything, we learned a little more about unconditional love, a little more about how Christ loved us when we didn't deserve it.  Here are some sweet and funny things we want to remember.
He loved the carousel at Peter Piper so much that he slid under the locked gate when we turned around for 2 seconds, and we had to coax him out with food.
He loved "My-My"(Myles) and the "fly-fly"(remote control helicopter)- we gave him an extra remote so he thought he was flying the helicopter, but really Myles was:).
Daddy taught him "hola", which he used on store clerks who wouldn't respond to "HI":)
His favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear ("brown bear, brown bear see see see")
He loved feeding the crab and the "glub-glub"
Says "AMEN!" in the middle of the prayer
Loves his back-back rides(piggy back rides)
"Helps" kids unload the dish washer by putting everything in the silverware drawer( in the wrong places, including cups, plates, etc.)
Praying that someday you will know Jesus!

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