Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby Chinese

Hayley loves to babble, especially at dinner when we are all sitting around the table. Because we can't exactly understand her, Kyra and Myles are sure she's speaking "baby Chinese"! Every once in a while her "talking" sounds like real words. A few nights ago the conversation went like this: Hayley- blah, blah, blah, blah
Daddy- What? You want to go to Walmart?
H- blah, blah, blah
Myles- No, she said she wants a red ball.
H- blah, blah, blah
Kyra- I think she wants chocolate!

Hayley is saying a few real words like "uh-oh" (about every 5 minutes), da-da(When we talk about Daddy coming home from work she bangs on the door and says "da-da"), and when "talking" on the play phone she says "Hola!".

Hayley is also really into baby dolls. She carries this one around and feeds her milk:)

1 comment:

Corbin and Quincy said...

i'm with kyra...she wanted chocolate!