Friday, April 16, 2010

Our Sweet New Ride:)

This post is overdue since we got this van a month ago...but it's still exciting that we can all go places in the SAME car now! YAY!
Scott did a great job finding this for us! A funny little story: On Valentine's Day Scott's middle school students asked him what he was getting his wife for Valentine's Day. He told them, "a poem and a new car!" They were totally impressed...little did they know that he meant a used mini-van.:) I think he's a stud:).

The first time we all rode in the van Myles yells from the back seat, "Mommy! Kyra and I are riding in the trunk!"

1 comment:

The Howe Family said...

I am laughing right now! : ) We bought a 2000 Sienna a few months that what you have too?!?