Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wrappin' it up!

In a few days we'll be done with 1st grade and pre-K...moving on to 2nd grade and Kindergarten(yikes:))! It hardly seems possible that we've completed 2 years of homeschooling. Like others have said so well, we know that homeschooling is not right for everyone, but we want to be faithful to what God is calling our family to, for this season. We are far, far from perfection but want to continue to grow in faithfulness to the God who is always faithful!

In looking back through some pics from the year, we've experienced lots of God's grace, some difficult days, lots of wonderful days, attitudes good and bad. We've learned lots academically from the history of ancient peoples to habitats around the world. From outer space to spelling and multiplication. We've written stories and book reviews, poems and dialogues. Myles has learned to read and is picking up new words everyday. Hayley knows her letter sounds and is practicing the letters of her name. But more than any of this, we have lived life together, sinned together, prayed together, memorized scripture together. I have prayed for their hearts and they have prayed for Mommy's heart. All this I would not trade for anything!!

1 comment:

The Howe Family said...

Amen. <3
Love the bean bag too. The kids were all sitting on some at the art museum the other day reading and I was thinking they would be awesome at home.