Saturday, August 6, 2011

Lake Tahoe!

Once again, we had a great 2 weeks of camping in Lake Tahoe!! We made lots of great memories, hung out with family, and enjoyed God's beautiful(and cool) creation! Here's a little bit of what we did...

sang around the campfire with Papa,
ate smores,

ate more smores,

went out for ice cream,

trading licks of course,

we went fishing,

Myles caught this big one(he was dying to catch it, but then refused to get within ten feet of it)(I wear a size 10 shoe by the way:)),

Hayley caught this bigin on her Barbie pole(when asked about her favorite part of fishing, she will quickly anwser, "the licorice"),

sometimes we woke up with crazy hair,

we prepared for the beach,

sometimes trying on other peoples swim suits,

we went horseback riding(Kyra's horse was named River),

we played at the beach,

played ball(here's my two favorite men),

made castles and ate sand,

we jumped off the pier,

we went canoeing with Papa,

we hiked to Emerald Bay,

cooled off at Eagle Falls,

picniced at Emerald Bay,

laughed alot,

and here's us with Grandma and Papa at the end of the trip!

We can't wait til next year!!

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