Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Hayley Grace is 4!

Our sweet, funny, full of life precious Hayley turned 4 today!! The day was dedicated to her and she got to choose EVERYTHING! (she was sure to tell that to all her siblings several times:))

Soooooo, after waking up to balloons and presents, we started with a trip to the Donut Wheel, then played at the park, then lunch and rest time(she didn't choose that), then to Toys R Us for her crown, balloon, and toy. Next we headed to Bookmans to spend her $10 birthday certificate(don't you just love getting free stuff for birthdays!) and then to Peter Piper for pizza, games, and carousel rides. After that it was home for "rainbow cake" and ice cream. A fun day with our favorite 4 year old girl!

1 comment:

ThomasFunnyFarm said...

What a cutie! Yippee! Four looks like lots of fun!