Thursday, March 1, 2012

Our Little Man is 6!!!

Back in January, Myles turned 6! What a blessing he is! He is usually seen with no shirt, shooting nerf darts in all directions, or racing across the living room whippin' out perfect round-offs and cartwheels. Recently while Mommy was away at a women's conference, Daddy took the kids to the track and Myles ran 12 laps!! That's right...3 miles! He is also great at building and inventing things...bows and arrows out of hangers and rubberbands, arrowheads out of rocks, Lego cities, and forts. He takes care of his sisters by holding Hayley's hand and walking her into gymnastics, going down high slides with Sophy on his lap, even putting Sophy on the potty sometimes during emergencies:). He is the first one to give me a hug in the morning and the first to pray for me when I'm impatient or frustrated. We know that God has good plans for you Myles and we're so blessed to have you in this family. Lickin' the cake bowl!

It's hard to get a "normal" picture...

We went bowling with friends the week before Myles' birthday. Look at that form!! Yes he's only 6...and no one taught him to do that! He gets the bowling gene from his daddy!:)

All the bowlers!!

The girls team:)

The boys team:)

Myles wanted a StarsWars he is with his light saber cake! (Kyra told me people would only know it was a light saber if we told them. Papa thought it was a train. But Myles thought it was was cool and that's all that matters!:))

Handsome birthday boy

All the sillys

Myles and one of his little buddies

Pinata time!

Happy Birthday little man!

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