Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Big Girl!

Something happened when Sophy turned 5 months old...she's doing so many new things at once that "she's like a real human!"
Sophy still loves her pacifier and her thumb, but when those aren't close enough the big toe works great:).
Sophy started solids, but she doesn't think she's been missing much!
"What is this thing you are putting in my mouth??"
The kids love to feed her, which pretty much makes our kitchen covered in orange slime.

Eventually she did warm up to baby food and has tried most of the vegetables.
"Not so bad after all!"
She likes her Bumbo and bouncy seat still, but has decided she MUST not be left in a room by herself and if Mommy is in the room she MUST be held. Occasionally I have to do things like go to the bathroom, and let's just say that there's nothing wrong with the girl's lungs!

"See my tooth!?"
She's also been working on some teeth and now has 2 little bottom ones working their way up more everyday.
Soph is very generous with her smiles, which we love.

Happy or "Get me out of this pot!" :)

Sophy is rolling everywhere and only likes to sleep on her tummy now!
What a change 5 months brings to our sweet baby girl!

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