Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Wonderings of Myles...

"Mommy, I thought Jesus was a person, but everyone at church says he's a rock."
"Do you think we can get to heaven in our car?"
"Mommy, do you want to know something really, really scary? Sometimes Daddy drives with only 2 fingers!"
"Yeah, speaking about butterflies, I think I saw a fly in our kitchen."
(Overheard from Kyra and Myles playing)
Myles: You have to answer a riddle before you can come in my room.
Kyra: OK
Myles: What kind of coffee is bad and what kind of coffee is good?
Kyra: Well, coffee without creamer is bad, and coffee with creamer is good.
(I totally agree, but where do they get this stuff??)

1 comment:

The Howe Family said...

They are hilarious! Wouldn't it be fun for all our little people to play someday?!